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Book lover. Dreamer. Chatter box. Opinionator. Fanatic movie watcher. Huge F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan. And I believe that dreams are meant to be achieved .. So keep dreaming. =)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Down memory lane.........

Its been 3 and a half years since I passed out from school and I still feel like going back there to those wonderful 12 years again and again whenever I see my diary which was filled by all my friends in the last  few days of my tenth standard.I had written this during that time on the very first page of this treasured diary.....and whenever I read it...I take my walk....down memory lane......
"You know it is truly said ,'you do not realize the importance of something until you are separated from it'.The same goes with me and my friends who are leaving this paradise called "SCHOOL".
Gosh...it hurts to leave a place where you have been coming each and everyday for the past 12 years and not as a compulsion but just because you love this place so much.
I yet remember that school had first begun for us in the little serene white church,the place where we got our first lessons as tiny tots.I guess we must have no clue at that point of time that we had to leave this place someday.
I just love everything about here....throwball,music,dance,standing in the corridor,listening to the class teacher's usual shoutings at 9am in the morning,polishing white canvas shoes with pieces of chalk,PATIL SIR'S extra T.D class at 7 in the morning which later turned into football sessions....Annual day practises,Celsa Ma'am's calling me "cheeky potato"!!!!And yes,the sweetest teacher Meena Ma'am's "JULIUS CAESAR" sessions.I CRAVE FOR IT.......
I miss meeting my other class friends in the corridor only for 15 minutes and running in late for the next class.I miss Shankar sir's treasure hunts for which we used to run about the whole school and would feel we have achieved an Oscar ,on the bag of goodies we received as our prize.
But the scariest thing which sent shivers down my spine..... was Principal Ma'am's voice which was heard distinctly from one end of the corridor to the other.She is one lady to admire and salute to.Thank you Ma'am for everything.
This school has taught us so much and we have seen so much entering these doors.....people crying for marks and yes, some people crying for things other then marks....wierd.We have been kept in this cocoon for so many years now and I feel scared to step out to see the real world.But thats when I hear my principal ma'am's words crystal clear in my ears.....That its time for you'll to fly.....
This is what i feel that every school on this planet is all about and it will make a special carving in my heart everytime i read this."
P.S: Dedicated to all Gregorious lovers....cheers..:))

Saturday, August 22, 2009

'If it has to be.......it is upto me...'

There are a lot of times when you come across something randomly and tend to start thinking about it for no reason.This quote is one of those many things which really appealed to me......

I was at a dinner party at my grandmother's place in bandra and we had this major gettogether of  the whole family after a really long time.We were basically a bunch of 20 kids who when come together create minor havoc.

While everyone was having dinner and i was done with mine,I went into the kitchen to get a scoop of my favourite chocolate icecream(..yumm....i cant resist it..eva.).Eating my icecream secretly and spending some lone quality time ,I came across this quote written on a sticker in red ink on the refrigerator door.

Maybe at that point of time i really didn't think about it much but to be truthful this is something which should be thought about by everyone.

We always blame god, stars, planets,destiny or a black cat crossing your path for anything not going right in your life........but do you know whom do you forget to blame.......your own very self!

If you want something to happen your way then its upto you whether you really want it...or no.And i guess this very anonymous but extremely wise person has correctly said.......

"If it has to be...it is upto me...."